Area: Sardegna

Ferries to Santa Teresa di Gallura

The maritime connections to Santa Teresa Gallura, which connect the north of Sardinia to Bonifacio, the southernmost municipality of Corsica.

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Santa Teresa di Gallura, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Santa Teresa Gallura

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The ports of Santa Teresa di Gallura are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Santa Teresa di Gallura
Ferries from Santa Teresa di Gallura

Santa Teresa di Gallura

Ferries to Santa Teresa di Gallura connect Sardinia to Corsica with the shortest possible route, shuttling between the southernmost municipality of metropolitan France and the northernmost Sardinian municipality: the international return route is the Bonifacio - Santa Teresa di Gallura.


The shipping line runs throughout the year; in high season the trips increase as Ichnusa Lines is added to the Moby shipping company.

The Municipality of Santa Teresa Gallura was founded in 1808 by King Vittorio Emanuele I, who decided to name it after his wife, Maria Teresa of AustriaThe Lungonese town is internationally known for being one of the most renowned tourist-seaside resorts in all of Sardinia, and it is also one of the main gateway to Corsica.

In addition to the tourist port, there are numerous places to visit and frequent during your stay in Santa Teresa, first of all the beachesThe coast is in fact full of sunny and edenic beaches where you can spend days in total relaxationAmong the most coveted beaches by vacationers we find the famous Rena Bianca, a short distance from the center; the Taltana and Poltu pitrosu near the village of Santa Reparatathe beaches of Ponente and LevanteCala spinosaCala Francese and Cala grande in Capo TestaA special reference should also deserve the complex Nuragic Lu Brandali (known for the Tomb of the Giants), the Tower of Longonsardo, the Cave Roman, the Lighthouse of Capo Testa and military batteries that characterize the coast of northern Sardinia.

Finally, the islet of Municca is singular: an ideal place for those who love snorkeling, it is characterized by the presence of the so-called Man of Municca, a granite boulder that resembles a human face.

Santa Teresa Gallura is not only rich from a naturalistic point of view, but also from a food and wine point of view. The Sardinian town, in fact, has nothing to envy to other places of the Bel Paese. The Gallura cuisine includes foods like the famous carasau bread, the bread Mo coccu, the suppa cuata and pulicioni themOn the table there is no shortage of meat (especially pork) and cheeses, which have made Sardinia famous throughout the world. Among the dairy products (some of which DOP) we find lu caju cu li botta botta  known for the presence, inside, of live worms.

Among the desserts, however, stand out without a doubt li niuleddi, typical of the Christmas period. In this quick review, honey and Vermentino di Gallura DOCG wine, an absolute excellence of this territory and of the whole of Sardinia, also deserve space.