Area: Veneto

Ferries to Venezia

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Venezia, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Venice

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The ports of Venezia are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Venezia
Ferries from Venezia


Universally considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Venice does not need any particular introduction. The unique urban structure together with the historical-architectural heritage and the lifestyle of its inhabitants, tempered by the fact of living in a lagoon, are the factors that have always contributed to the myth of the city.

A dream that with mass tourism has become accessible to most, thanks to the frequency of air, rail and especially maritime connections. After all, it could not be otherwise for a city ​​that owes all its fortunes, past and present, to the sea.

Today Venice is onecruise hub of fundamental importance in the Mediterranean, but it is also central in connections with Slovenia, Croatia, Greece and Albania. In short, not only a tourist destination of international importance, but also a place where it is pleasant to spend time, considering the much that there is to do and see (Piazza San Marco; the homonymous basilica; Palazzo Ducale; Ponte di Rialto; Ponte degli Scalzi; Constitution Bridge; Bridge of Sighs etc.), waiting to embark for the Dalmatian coasts or the Ionian islands .

Special mention for food, increasingly central in the choice of tourist destinations. Venice, in fact, is a city of great food and wine tradition: just attend the Rialto fish market or go around bacari (the typical city taverns) to realize it.