Area: Liguria

Ferries to Savona

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Savona, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Savona (Porto Vado), Savona

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The ports of Savona are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Savona
Ferries from Savona


Third in Liguria for number of inhabitants after Genoa and La Spezia, Savona has a commercial and tourist vocation that passes above all through its ports: the city one, since 2003 used exclusively for cruise traffic; and that of nearby Vado Ligure where merchant activities and passenger traffic are concentrated towards Corsica and Sardinia.

We are in the Ligurian Riviera di Ponente, close not only to Genoa but also to southern Piedmont and Turin. This latter circumstance has had important repercussions on the industrial development of the area and of the entire north-western Italy.

So not just tourism, even if there are things to see in the city: fromPriamar Fortress, built by the Genoese, passing through the Sistine Chapel (not to be confused with that of Rome) and the Cathedral of the Assumption, up to the Leon Pancaldo Tower, an architectural survivor of the walls that once protected the city. 

If we then broaden the horizon to the province of Savona, the attractions increase considerably. In addition to Vado Ligure, which we have already mentioned, we point out the Caves of Toirano and Borgio Verezzi and, above all, the town of Alassio, a renowned tourist resort, probably the most beautiful in all of western Liguria.