Area: Nador

Ferries to Nador

On this page you will find information on the place and the possibility to search all the Ferry Timetables from and to Nador, easily bookable online.

List of Ports: Nador

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The ports of Nador are served by the following companies
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Ferries to Nador
Ferries from Nador


Nador owes much of its fortunes to its strategic geographical position, which over the centuries has favored the encounter between very different peoplesThe territory where the city and the other inhabited centers currently stand (including Melilla) was in fact frequented and occupied not only by the Berbers, but also by PhoeniciansCarthaginiansRomans and Arabs, etc. 

The economy of Nador is essentially based on the activities that take place inside the port of Beni Ensar (one of the most important in Morocco after Tangier) and on the mining and metallurgical industryAdded to this is the tourism sector, which has undergone significant growth especially in recent years.

The reason for this increase is soon said: the city of Nador (which has never hidden its international ambitions) is located near the Mar Chica. It is a pleasant salty lagoon of 4000 hectares of surface that extends for 25 kmits beaches are among the most beautiful in the country, and have made the town a renowned tourist resort. If you have the opportunity, also go to the seaside village of Tibouda, a small paradise that should not be missed.