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Ban on disembarking on the island of Procida with cars, motorbikes and mopeds (2024 decree)

It is forbidden to take the ferry to Procida with a motor vehicle in tow during the tourist season, as there is a restriction on the influx and circulation of non-resident cars and motorbikes.

In the medium and high season, the ban on landing on the island of Procida is in force for non-residents with cars, motorbikes and mopeds.

It is therefore not possible to board the ferries to Procida with a vehicle in tow, generally from Easter to the end of October, if you are not permanently resident on the island.

Let’s see the ministerial decree in detail below, with the prohibitions, the precise dates in which it comes into force year by year, the exceptions and the sanctions.

Limitation on the influx of motor vehicles for the year 2024 on the island of Procida

Having seen the art. 8 of the legislative decree 30 April 1992, n. 285, concerning limitations on influx and road circulation in small islands where declared municipalities of residence or care are located; considering that, pursuant to the aforementioned article, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, after having consulted the regions and municipalities concerned, has the power to prohibit, during the months of most intense tourist movement, the influx and circulation of vehicles belonging to non-nationals are part of the stable population; having seen the resolution of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Procida dated 9 February 2024, n. 33, concerning the ban on the influx and circulation on the island of Procida of motor vehicles, motor vehicles and mopeds belonging to people who are not part of the population permanently resident on the island; having seen the note from the Prefecture – Territorial Office of the Government of Naples prot. n. 83793 of 5 March 2024; having seen the note from the General Directorate for road safety and road transport of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport prot. n. 22242 of 11 October 2023 and the reminder note prot. n. 3795 of 6 February 2024, with which the Campania Region was requested to issue the opinion of competence; deemed appropriate to adopt the requested measure restricting road traffic for the reasons expressed in the aforementioned documents, also pending the acquisition of the opinion of the Campania Region;

decrees the following.


From 23 March 2024 to 27 October 2024, the influx and circulation on the island of Procida of motor vehicles, motor vehicles and mopeds belonging to people who are not part of the population permanently resident on the island are prohibited, even if they are jointly registered with people resident there.


In the period referred to in the art. 1, the following vehicles are excluded from the ban, provided that they do not conflict with the traffic restrictions in force on the roads of the island itself:
a) motor vehicles, motor vehicles and mopeds belonging to the owners and tenants for the entire calendar year of homes located in the territory of the island who, although not residents, are registered in the municipal registers of the tax for the disposal of solid urban waste, limited to only one vehicle per family unit;
b) vehicles belonging to companies that work on the island of Procida, subject to authorization issued by the municipal administration, from time to time according to needs;
c) vehicles belonging to and driven by people registered in the list of «children of Procida» and in possession of a specific card, as per current resolution, linked by kinship within the second degree to residents in Procida for at least twenty years and who require assistance. These vehicles are allowed to enter and transit to and from a private area, where the vehicle must remain parked for the entire duration of the stay;
d) motor vehicles and motor vehicles that must reach the health facilities of the ASL Napoli Nord 2 located on the island of Procida, the affiliated rehabilitation and dialysis centres, with certification from the general practitioner or the administration of the facilities, limited to the day of planned visit;
e) vehicles intended for food supplies and the delivery of medicines, newspapers and periodicals, with a total weight when fully loaded not exceeding 3.5 t;
f) vehicles used for the transport of goods with a total mass when fully loaded not exceeding 5 t, limited to weekdays from Monday to Friday;
g) vehicles rented and driven by people who have their residence in the Municipality of Procida, as well as vehicles transporting artists and related equipment for occasional entertainment performances of public interest;
h) vehicles transporting people with disabilities, provided they are equipped with the appropriate mark provided for by the art. 381 of the decree of the President of the Republic 16 December 1992, n. 495, issued by a competent Italian or foreign authority;
i) ambulances, police vehicles, technical vehicles of companies providing public services on the island, hearses and accompanying vehicles, and vehicles belonging to the ecological service of the metropolitan city;
j) vehicles used for institutional activities of the Municipality of Procida, as well as service vehicles for the transport of equipment used by other public administrations, such as the region, metropolitan city, territorial service of the provincial department of ARPAC, of ​​the ASL.

For disembarkation on the island, when permitted, the vehicles referred to in the previous paragraph 1, letter a), b) c), d), e), f), and g), must complete, at least forty-eight hours in advance, specific request, complete in all its parts, according to the specific forms available on the institutional website of the Municipality of Procida, which must be kept inside the vehicle and displayed visibly for the entire period of the stay.

For free transit and parking on the island, when permitted, the vehicles referred to in the previous paragraph 1, letters a) and b) must have a specific pass and display a specific permit for the entire period of stay.


The Prefect of Naples is granted the right, in case of proven and real necessity and urgency, to grant further authorizations in derogation of the ban on disembarkation and movement on the island of Procida. These authorizations must have a duration of no more than forty-eight hours of stay on the island. If the needs that gave rise to the issuing of these authorizations are not exhausted within this time limit, the municipal administration, in the presence of well-founded and proven reasons, may, with
own provision, authorize a further period of circulation for the strictly necessary period.


Anyone who violates the prohibitions referred to in this decree is punished with the administrative sanction of paying a sum from 430 euros to 1,731 euros as provided for by the art. 8, paragraph 2, of the legislative decree of 30 April 1992, n. 285, with the updates referred to in the decree of the Minister of Justice dated 31 December 2020.


The Prefect of Naples is responsible for the execution and systematic and assiduous supervision of compliance with the prohibitions established with this decree, for the entire period considered.

Registered at the Court of Auditors on 21 March 2024.
Office for the control of documents of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, n. 788.

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